24/7 Transport Service
Reliable Licensed Forwarding Service in Finland.
Give us a call: +358 45 2027360
Road Transport
Kvanttikajo LLC offer FTL and LTL services around Europe and to/from Finland
Port Forwarding
Our company provide port forwarding service in all terminals in ports KotkaHamina, Helsinki and Hanko
Container Shipping
We organize transportation of various cargoes in containers from all over the world to the ports of Finland..
We offer customs warehouse services in the ports of Helsinki and KotkaHamina for container handling and long-term storage..
Heavy and OOG
With 15 years of experience, we provide direct or multimodal transport service of heavy or OOG cargo to our clients in Europe.
Air Freight
We fly your freight to destinations all over the world from Helsinki, Vantaa airport.
Logistics services with years of experience
Kvanttikajo LLC
We quickly and reliably transport your cargo by rail between Asia and Europe as well as in the Nordic countries. Multimodal transport enables high-quality door-to-door service